BattlBox is a subscription service that provides a great variation of camping, survival, EDC, and all around epic outdoor gear.
In 2019 we are initiating a new approach to box design. We are calling it New Year, New Gear. Many of our customers have asked that we focus more on providing high quality items without necessarily focusing on quantity or ensuring that they are of a certain “theme”. We agree! This gives us two big advantages in box design. First, Battlbox can focus solely on quality of product. Second, we can bring to you new products much sooner as they are not tied to a “theme”. The BattlBox team is excited about this improvement to our design process and we look forward to showcasing some of our new gear this year.
We have had 50+ months of missions successfully shipped to date. Take a look around at the review videos on our “What’s in the Box” breakdown page. To see the 4 different levels and prices please refer to this page.